La Fundación Directorio Legislativo, a través de su Coordinadora General Noel Alonso Murray, participó de un workshop sobre estrategias, enfoques y metodologías en la implementación de programas de social accountability, coordinado por la Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA) in South Asia & The Global Partnership Fund.

El mismo se llevó a cabo en el Hotel Sarina de Dhaka, Bangladesh, del 7 al 11 de marzo.

Agenda del workshop

Press Release

Memorandums of Understanding signed by partners of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – South Asia Region and Global Partnership Fund (ANSA – SAR & Global)

Members from 16 participating organisations from 6 countries signed Memorandums of Understanding with the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – South Asia Region and Global Partnership Fund (ANSA – SAR & Global), inaugurating the first round of grants being given for work on social accountability projects.

Ms Noel Alonso Murray of the Fundación Directorio Legislativo, Argentina, was present at the occasion to sign the MOU as a representative of her organisation, which has received one of the inaugural grants from ANSA – SAR & Global.

Funded by a World Bank Institute seed fund, ANSA will disburse nearly 1.5 million US dollars to the participating organisations over the initial one-year period. The Institute of Governance Studies of BRAC University, which is currently housing the ANSA secretariat, will coordinate the disbursement.

Barrister Manzoor Hasan, Director of The Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, was present at the signing ceremony. “ANSA is not only a network, but also a platform promoting the exchange of knowledge and capacity building for the participating organisations from various countries,” he said on the occasion.

The Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – South Asia Region and Global Partnership Fund (ANSA – SAR & Global) was officially launched at a press meeting in Dhaka on 7 March 2010.

ANSA- SAR & Global promotes social accountability programmes and governance activities in the South Asia Region and elsewhere, by providing grants, academic fellowships and capacity building initiatives within government and non government institutions.

Social Accountability refers to the ways and means by which citizens can hold public institutions accountable in terms of delivering public services, improving people’s welfare and protecting people’s rights and entitlements.

Currently there are three regional ANSA hubs – Africa, East Asia Pacific, and South Asia, as well as the Global Partnership Fund component to promote ANSA in different regions. These networks have been set up against a compelling context of poor accountability and weak institutional capacities in many countries.  The growing body of knowledge and examples of Social Accountability and Good Governance at work has also inspired these initiatives.

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